Background Checks & Compliance Tracking
American DataBank

Electronic DHS FBI Fingerprint Information

**Very Important**

Your results will be sent to you by mail from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. It may take around 2-4 weeks to receive them.

You are required to provide a copy of your results to American DataBank. American DataBank does NOT receive a copy from the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services.

You may submit a copy of your results to 303-531-2056, upload your results to your Complio subscriptions once received to be applied to your order, or scan and email the results to If you do not send the results back to American DataBank, the compliance requirement will not be completed and you may lose the eligibility status in the program.

Please contact us if you have any questions or need assistance.

Electronic FBI Fingerprinting Locations
Please click on the link below. Find the area nearest you on the IdentoGo website.

to find a Fingerprinting Location near you